And, we're off, finishing up the end of our second week of intensive therapy at Vanderbilt. Schedule coordination gets a little crazy, but it is so worth it to see all of Griff's strength grains.
Therapy is work-play. He is organizing he cars, but the whole time standing up and down. He is a little OCD on some of the order things, so the organization and arrangement takes a bit longer so each car can be in a perfect like :)
One thing, that you didn't see much of in the last round of posts, is Griff walking with his sticks/crutches. He actually practices with just 1 crutch some. See below. This was the first I had seen him walk like this. I actually ran out of hall space.
You know, we don't know what the future is for Griff. Will he walk independently, will he need sticks or a walker, or will there be a need for a wheelchair? Quite possibly, there will be a time and place for each. But, what I have heard from the teachers, therapists and administrators at Gower, is how strong he has gotten. Many have seen him begin there at age 4 on his walker. Now, he just uses the walker at the end of the day if he gets tired. He's getting there. He is stubborn and somewhat independent.
And, lastly, Griff had a little accident while at school using his sticks. A classmate got his foot tangled with one of the sticks while Griff was walking and Griff fell face first. Both top teeth (still baby teeth) ended up coming out, one immediately, the other the next day. He's got a cute lisp going.
We welcome Spring Break! The kids are off for 2 full weeks.