Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Bus

       Well, many of you know our ongoing struggle to get the kids on the bus together.  Basically, they can all ride the regular bus, but only Griff was able to ride the bus for the kids with special needs.  At this time, he can not ride the regular bus because if he were to fall out of the seat, no one could help him back up.  On the other bus there is a driver and an aide.  There is absolutely no way Griff would get on one bus while his sisters rode another.  So began my quest to get all three on the same bus, the bus with kids for special needs (which I thought would be a simple request.)  Ummm, wrong.  So, 6 weeks later, a few rounds of faxed paperwork, showing up at the Board of Education, communication with several people in several departments, and countless emails - APPROVED!
       If you know me, I don't give up.  I fight for a cause I believe in.  One thing that I have learned being the parent of a special needs child is that some things are just harder.  I thought it would be easy to get them all on the same bus.  I mean, point A and point B are the same.  What seems common sense to me, sometimes requires paperwork, permission and just not settling for no.  While I got so frustrated during the process, I stayed nice and persisted.  So, fellow parents, whether your kids has special needs or not, fight for what you believe is right.  When you see that short bus, think about my kids and all the special kids that ride the bus.  Think how lucky they are and how a simple bus ride really does take a load off these parents.  And, give an extra little thought to the kids that have to get on the bus at 6:45 in the morning to get to school that starts at 8:00.  We opted out of the morning ride because of the early pick up.  But, some parents have no choice.  My eyes open more and more every day.
     And, the best!


1 comment:

  1. I am normally parked near where they get on and it so cute! They wave at me when they get on. Emma loves to walk them to the bus!
